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Power Quality Site Surveys

In most industries, maintaining a consistent supply voltage is crucial. Too low, and you risk malfunctions; too high, and serious damage can occur. The voltage supplied to your premises can be very different to what you might expect, and what your equipment demands.

And the challenges extend beyond mere voltage levels. In today’s world, users of high-tech electronics and sensitive devices demand more than just stable voltage. They require a supply that is not only consistent but also free from transient spikes and electrical noise. You might assume that patchy power is restricted to developing countries, but even in developed economies we are now seeing that the power demand can outstrip supply capacity. Consequently, significant voltage fluctuations, surges, and brownouts occur within the national grid, affecting sensitive control applications, lengthening process or charging times, or reducing equipment lifespan.

How Claude Lyons Can Help

Claude Lyons offers comprehensive solutions for power quality assessment, including both on-site power quality surveys and equipment rental for self-service surveying needs. Our experienced service team specialises in resolving power-related issues and offers standard site surveys as well as long-term monitoring options, utilising an array of power analysers.

Our surveys involve thorough on-site analysis of the power supply, providing precise data crucial for informed decision-making regarding corrective actions. Key parameters logged during our surveys include:

  • AC & DC RMS Voltages
  • RMS Voltage (3 Channel)
  • RMS Current (4 Channel)
  • kWh Usage
  • Power Factor
  • Volt-Ampere
  • Frequency
  • Volt-Ampere Reactive
  • Total Harmonic Distortion

    Each parameter measurement is tailored to meet the specific requirements of the individual site or survey purpose, ensuring accurate and relevant data collection for effective power quality assessment.

Full-Spectrum Power Analysis

From on-site surveys to equipment rental, Claude Lyons offers comprehensive solutions for assessing power quality, tailored to individual needs.

Expert Guidance

Backed by experienced technicians, we provide standard surveys and customisable monitoring services to address a range of power challenges.

Data-Driven Insights

With precise parameter logging including voltage, current, and harmonic distortion, we empower informed decision-making for effective power management.

Long-Term Monitoring

In addition to standard site surveys, we offer long-term monitoring options. This ensures ongoing insight into power quality trends and facilitates proactive management strategies.

Contact us today for a complimentary data-logging power survey 

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